Do Service Dogs Help Treat PTSD? V.A. Still Doesn’t Know
While the V.A. covers the veterinary care and the equipment costs of service dogs for veterans with certain physical disabilities, like blindness or vision impairment, department leaders have long contended that there isn’t enough clinical evidence to prove their benefits for treating mental-health issues.
$25, 000, american legion, center for compassionate care innovation, chief veterinarian, clinical evidence, david shulkin, department of veterans affairs, dr michael fallon, educated canines assisting with disabilities, evidence-based medicine, humane society of the united states, jasper craven, kaiser permanente, lara trump, luis montalvan, national institutes of health, national public radio, new york times magazine, nonprofit organizations, office of public and intergovernmental affairs, PAWS Act, ptsd, Purdue University, unregulated insustry, veteran, veterans affairs, veterans of foreign wars, Virginia